Top Down Zombies

Coming Summer 2023

Steam / Windows PC

Intensely-paced and action-packed, this ‘top-down’ shooter will quickly have your heart pumping – almost as fast as your shotgun slide.

The world at large has become uninhabitable for anything that isn’t Redd.

Shortly after random outbreaks of violence swept the nation, routine life was quickly transformed into a battle of survival for the Caps.

But their battle was short fought.

Little one-light country towns started to go completely dark. The outskirt cities and suburbs were next. Before long, every major metropolitan area was assumed a total loss.

The Caps didn’t stand a chance.

Growing ever stronger, faster, and smarter, the Reddz, an as-of-yet unknown hivemind, carved their way through every mapped city within three months of first contact. Their numbers grew – exponentially. Caught fully unprepared, the Caps were blindsided by the mysterious, swarming fury.

Even today, their best theories regarding the Reddz’ origin and reproduction process remain pure speculation. What is certain, though… as their size continued to grow, so did their hunger – and viciousness.

Swarming with Reddz, the surface provided no safety. The remaining Caps were forced to flee underground.

The caves provided safety for a time – but as the Reddz grew hungrier, they became more desperate. It didn’t take long before their blood-curdling screeches were piercing the darkness of the deepest caverns.

The red demons’ hunger had no end.

But not all hope was lost for the Caps. The most tech-savvy engineers built underground bunkers out of salvage from nearby military bases.

Meter thick and metal reinforced, their walls provide safety. Remote-controlled and equipped with biomarking scanners, their elevators and vault doors provide access-control. All of these, and more, are essential for the Caps’ survival.

But their tech will not be sufficient much longer.

Confined to their hi-tech cages, many are running low on food and ammunition.

Many more have already run out…

‘Starvation looming, we must face the Reddz – if we have any hope, any light in our eyes, any strength in hearts, we must fight now to take back our homes.

Underground safety, purchased at the price of our very freedom. This way of life cannot continue for much longer.’

Maj. Gen. Oliver Canmore
Chief Operations Specialist
Safe House #3H-287